5 Whys
Quickly Getting to the Root of a Problem
Get the root of your problem, quickly.
Very often, the answer to the first "why" will prompt another "why" and the answer to the second "why" will prompt another and so on; hence the name the 5 Whys strategy.
Benefits of the 5 Whys include:
- It helps you to quickly determine the root cause of a problem.
- It's simple, and easy to learn and apply.
How to Use the Tool:
When you're looking to solve a problem, start at the end result and work backward (toward the root cause), continually asking: "Why?" You'll need to repeat this over and over until the root cause of the problem becomes apparent.Ejercicios
Observe la imagen y conteste las siguientes preguntas.
De acuerdo al titulo y la imagen, ¿ Cual cree usted que es el topico que esta a punto de leer?
Trata de como conseguir rapidamente la raiz de un problema, realizando 5 porque.
¿Cual es la idea general del Texto?
la idea principal es sobre una tecnica muy simple para resolver problemas, realizando llamada los 5 por que?
¿ Que palabras se repiten ?
Why, root, problem, asnwer, strategy, quickly,
¿Que palabras se parecen al español?
simple, problem, technique, production, strategy , determine, cause .
¿Cuales son las palabras en negrita, el titulo, subtitulo o graficos que te ayudan a entender el texto?
Titulo: 5 Why (5 porque ?)
Subtitulo: Quickly Getting to the Root of a Problem (Como llegar rapidamente a la raiz del problema )
Subtitulo: How to Use the Tool ( Como usar esta herramienta )
¿De que trata el texto? , Lee el primer párrafo y el último o ña ultimas ideas del ultimo parrafo.
El primer parrafo habla de una simple tecnica para llegar a la raiz del problema, es realizando 5 porque, este sistema se hizo popular en 1970 con la Producción de Toyota, y consiste en tomar el problema y preguntar Por que y que causo el problema ? Finalmente inidcan como deben utilizarse estas herramientas, inidcan que se debe comenzar con el resultado inicial y trabajar hacia atras, hacia la causa o raiz, preguntando Por que ? se tendra que ir preguntando esto yuna y otra vez hasta que la causa raiz aparezca.
Seleccione un texto y escribe 4 preguntas puntuales sobre fechas, sitios, etc. utilizar una Biografia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Jobs
Biografia Steve Jobs
24 February 1955
¿ En que fecha fallecio?
October 5, 2011
¿ Donde nacio Steve Jobs?
San Farncisco; California.
¿ Que invento Steves Jobs ?
The personal Computer
Steven Paul Jobs (San Francisco, California February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011)was an American businessman and inventor widely recognized as a charismatic pioneer of the personal computer revolution. He was co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. Jobs was co-founder and previously served as chief executive of Pixar Animation Studios; he became a member of the board of directors of The Walt Disney Company in 2006, following the acquisition of Pixar by Disney.
Unidad 4. Marcadores de defición
A. Seleccione un texto relacionado con su área de experticia. Lea el texto y extraiga las definiciones y los marcadores de definiciones.
Definición: Se refiere a un plan de acción diseñado para alcanzar una meta particular.
Resume el texto con tus propias palabras.
Unidad 4. Marcadores de defición
A. Seleccione un texto relacionado con su área de experticia. Lea el texto y extraiga las definiciones y los marcadores de definiciones.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other uses, see Strategy (disambiguation).
Strategy, a word of military origin, refers to a plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal. In military usage strategy is distinct from tactics, which are concerned with the conduct of an engagement, while strategy is concerned with how different engagements are linked. How a battle is fought is a matter of tactics: the terms and conditions that it is fought on and whether it should be fought at all is a matter of strategy, which is part of the four levels of warfare: political goals or grand strategy, strategy, operations, and tactics. Building on the work of many thinkers on the subject, one can define strategy as "a comprehensive way to try to pursue political ends, including the threat or actual use of force, in a dialectic of wills – there have to be at least two sides to a conflict. These sides interact, and thus a Strategy will rarely be successful if it shows no adaptability."[1] Strategy has been extended beyond its traditional fields, military and grand strategy, to business, economics, game theory and other fields.Definición: Se refiere a un plan de acción diseñado para alcanzar una meta particular.
Resume el texto con tus propias palabras.
B. Seleccione otro texto relacionado con su área de experticia y extraiga los marcadores de discurso de secuencia y tiempo
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
(Born 1547 (day unknown); died 23 April 1616) Was a Spanish novelist, poet, and playwright. His magnum opus, Don Quixote, considered the first modern European novel,is a classic of Western literature, and is regarded amongst the best works of fiction ever written. His influence on the Spanish language has been so great that the language is often called la lengua de Cervantes ("the language of Cervantes"). He was dubbed El Príncipe de los Ingenios ("The Prince of Wits").
A. Lea el texto y extraiga los marcadores de definición.
Considered, is a regarded , is often called, as
B.Extraiga palabras de secuencia u Ordenamiento del tiempo. Marcadores de Tiempo.
The First, on ,
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